Sunday, May 11, 2008

Last week on Tuesday Debby went to eye doctor at 3:30. Doctor say Debby can eat and drink before eye surgery. Last week on Wednesday mom and I went to dentist. I sat on stair lift at dentist office. Mom and I got ready for cleaned on teeth. After cleaned on my teeth I got a new toothbrush. Mom and I got lunch from McDonald's restaurant brought back to work. I had ate chicken nuggets, and Fries French for lunch. Last week on Thursday I stayed here at my house with Kelsey. I wake up, got dress, ate pudding for breakfast, and watched television with Kelsey. Kelsey and I went to store. At 4:30 I work on a new Kelsey's cell phone with Kelsey teach. On Thursday mom and I went to art class tonight. I work on paint with Bret at art class. Last week on Friday Minda went to my house. I wake up, a bath, got dress, ate cottage cheese for breakfast, and little bits play on my ds. I work on face book homework on computer. At 3:00 Debby went to eye surgery. No pulse oximeter at eye doctor. After eye surgery Debby went to home and slept from sleep medicine. Then Debby's eyes can see Zoe. No more eye glasses for Debby. Yay! Last week on Saturday I can't went to Bowling with Bret. Because mom and I went to Ladies luncheon. I saw grandma named is Rosemarie from old work office, my grandma named is Mary, grandma's aunt named is Marie, Dianna, Julie, Debby, Michelle, Kathy, Karen, and Stacy. I had ate chicken, potato, vegetable, and drank water for lunch. I listen my mom talked to people with microphone. I listen music on stage. Oops! Julie forgot purse at Ladies luncheon. Mom brought Julie's purse to Julie at Duck man and Maureen's house. On Monday Debby going to dentist at 3:00. Debby got ready to clean on Debby's teeth. Have fun day. The End

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