Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Last week ago on Wednesday night duck man and Maureen take old chairs and couch to trash. On Thursday mom and I went to Mexican restaurant for lunch with Shawna. Mexican restaurant called Pablos. I had ate cheese quesidillas and drank water for lunch. After ate lunch Shawna, mom, and I went to furniture store and looked at a new table and chairs. Mom bought a new table and chairs for kitchen. On Thursday night duck man, Maureen, and Diane came to my house. Duck man and Maureen take old table to garage. Mom and I give old table to Dianna and Julie nurse. I can talk to mom text on my cell phone and computer now. Mom said me wow! On Saturday grandma and grandpa came to my house visit me and mom. Grandma gave me a new fan paper. Grandpa gave me 5 dollar. Grandma gave Charlie a new cloth. Grandpa and mom brought a new table and chairs came to kitchen. Grandpa worked on a new table in the kitchen. On Saturday night mom cleaned in the kitchen. Mom not change the shelf. Because I exercise on shelf. The shelf is better, perfect for me exercise! I sit and eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack on a new table with mom. On Sunday mom and I went to barn at 12:25. Mom went to Kohl's store and looked at a new couch. Mom bought a new couch for living room. I rode on horseback with Mary OT at 12:30-1:00. I went to art class with Dianna (art teacher) at 1:00-2:00. Mom went back to barn and pick up me at 2:00. Mom showed the Dianna (art teacher) picture on Dianna's laptop computer. On Monday I talked to Charlie text on my cell phone. I record Jon & Kate plus 8 show on dvr. Jon & Kate plus 8 is all new on Monday tonight. Mom cleaned the mom's bedroom. I look very nice at the mom's bedroom. On Monday night mom and I went to for walk with Maureen. Duck man played game on computer. Today is Tuesday. Mom and I went to work. I worked on make cards then label on cards from Kathy. I love work label on cards and envelopes very, very much! The end
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