Tuesday, August 15, 2006

On Saturday I wake up, take bath, ate pudding, study bible, and little bits watch TV. At the 2:00 mom's sister, and I went to out for lunch and dessert for Aunt's birthday. After resturant I show sister my new ipod. Sister say ipod is that cool! On Saturday night I work on connected all music moved to ipod from computer at 7:00 to 8:30. On Sunday mom and I went to church. After church mom and I went to Club Sams store and brought hot popper, crab, chicken, cheese sticks, and pop coke. Mom and I went to home. I ate macaroni and cheese and salad for lunch. After lunch I study bible, watch TV, listen ipod and played game boy. Yesterday I ate cottage cheese for breakfast, study bible. Mom and I went to mom's work office. I show all people from work office a new ipod. I worked on mail with Kathy 9:00 to 11:30. I ate chicken nuggets and fries french for lunch. I more work on mail with Kathy again at 1:00 to 2:00. I played bowling game on Debby's cell phone with Debby at 3:00 to 4:00. I work on letter papers in envators with Kathleen at 4:15 to 5:00. Today is Tuesday. I wake up, take bath, ate yogurt for breakfast, and little bits listen on my ipod. Kelsey teach how turn off my ipod. Kelsey and I went to computer for wrote blog. Kelsey and I ate hot popper, and cheese stick for lunch. After lunch I quiz on bible. I read on book called My Time With God. First I need to look at Kelsey's ipod for some music! Then later I want to listen ipod again and play on game boy at 4:30 please! Tomorrow maybe Kelsey and I going t0 the library. It is nice outside tomorrow.


Kim from Hiraeth said...

Hello, Stef!

It sounds like you and Kelsey have been busy!

I'm glad you are writing on your blog again!

Sunday School starts again soon. I may have a special helper this year to help type for you!

See you soon,

Kim from Church

Stef said...

Dear Kim,

How are you today? I am very happy and excited about your letter on computer! I miss you! Yes! I will DynaWrite 4bring back to church soon! I love you! Good night!



Anonymous said...

Hi Stef,

You have an ipod! How fun! It sounds like you are really having fun with it. You will have to show me when I see you again, which will be soon!

Take care,