Saturday, December 02, 2006

Two weeks ago on Thursday Thankgiving Day. Mom cooked orange potato. I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. After eat breakfast I watched television in my bedroom. At 12:00 mom and I went to Dianna and Julie's house in Wisconsin. I say hello to Julie, Dianna, and dogs. The dogs am very happy and excited about I came to Julie's house! Marion and Mike's two dogs brought to Dianna's house to hello Julie and Dianna's dogs. At the Julie and Dianna's house has five dogs! Dianna's friend named is Mary from Dianna's old work. Mary went to Dianna and Julie's house. I watched television at the Dianna and Julie's house. I little bits care of dogs. Mary, Dianna, mom, Marion, Julie, Mike, and I eat dinner. I had eat turkey, orange potato, green beans, egg salad white potato, and bread of butter for dinner. I little bits played game on Cindy cell phone. I watched Wheel of Fortune show on television. I worked on name lists on Marion's laptop with Marion teacher. Mike watched football show on television downstair. Dogs eat for dinner. After work with Marion teacher I played games on Marion's laptop. Dianna, Marion, Julie, and mom watched a movie. After played the laptop I went to bed at midnight. I say bye, good night, and Happy Thankgiving to mom! On Thursday night Debby, mom, and I went to Michelle's house and see a new baby. A new baby named is Matthew. A new baby was cute! After Michelle changed the diaper for baby gave I hold a new baby. The End!


Kim from Hiraeth said...

Good Morning, Stef!

You got to hold a new baby! What fun! Sounds like you have been very busy!

Do you have your Christmas tree decorated yet?

Justin said...

hey, the dogs are soo sweet n warm!! give my love to them..
And hey, check out this post on dog's dictionary. I hope u'll like it..

God bless