Friday, December 29, 2006
On Sunday night mom and I went back to church for Christmas candle. After church mom and I went to resturant for dinner with David, Katy, and Melissa. I had eat nachos and drank water for dinner. At Christmas day I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got a new clothes from mom for Christmas present, and opened Christmas presents. I got a new wheel of fortune game from Cheryl from work, art book, game, and frog towel for after bath from mom from Christmas presents. Mom and I went to Barb'a house for Christmas party. I saw Becky at Barb's house! Mom and I went to Marion and Mike's house for dinner. I opened Christmas present. I got a new Bible DVD from Sue from Christmas present. I worked on Marion's three DVDs. On Tuesday I wake up, got clothes, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. I watched The Price Is Right show on television. Melissa came to help cook cookies. I worked on opened wraps of chocolate. Mom is cooking teacher!! Mom, Melissa, and I eat soup and bread of butter for lunch. On Wednesday I wake up, eat yogurt in my bed, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got clothes, and watch television. Kelsey and I went to Target store and Kelsey's house. I learning about DVR on Kelsey's computer. Kelsey and I eat fish finger for lunch. I work with Kelsey teacher! Kelsey is science teacher!! Today is Friday. I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got clothes, and eat pudding for breakfast. After eat breakfast I watched The Price Is Right show on television. Kathy and Kaitlyn came to here at my house and visit mom and I. At 12:30 Mary and Nathan came to here at my house for lunch. The End!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Last on Wednesday I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got dress, eat pudding for breakfast, and little bits watch television with Kelsey. Kelsey and I went to Walgreens store for bought Christmas presents. I bought a new flashlight for mom for Christmas present. I bought my medicine. Kelsey and I went to Culver for take lunch to my house. Kelsey and I eat cheeseburger, and cheeseball for lunch. I swing at 2:00 - 4:00. After swing I work on Christmas cards with Kelsey teacher. Kelsey is art teacher!! Kelsey order Elmo DVD for Katy, electric golf for dad, candle for mom, and power station for Stef for Christmas presents on Kelsey's computer at the Kelsey's house. Last on Thursday I wake up, no bath, got dress, eat yogurt for breakfast, and watch television. Last on Friday Kelsey and I went to Target store and bought a new poker cards for Charlie for Christmas present. On Wednesday I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. After eat breakfast I watch The Price Is Right show on television. On Wednesday night grandma, dad, grandpa came to here at my house at 4:00 for Christmas dinner and presents. Grandpa brought pumpkins pie and whip for pie to my house. I gave a Christmas cards to grandma, dad, and grandpa. I opened a new clothes, and ER 1 and 2 seasons present from dad. I opened a new sock, blockbuster cards, and ER 6 season Christmas present from grandma and grandpa. Charlie, grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, and I eat dinner. After eat dinner we eat pumpkins pie for dessert. I work on opened the ER 1, 2, 6 seasons DVDs. On Thursday I wake up, no bath, got dress, eat pudding for breakfast, and little bits watch television. Kelsey and I went to Kelsey's house. I say hi to Jodi. I played on Kelsey's computer. Jodi, Kelsey, and I eat hot dog corn for lunch. Kelsey and I came back to home at 2:30. Kelsey and I cooked peanut butter cookies at the my house. I work on opened the chocolate wraps with Kelsey teacher. Kelsey is cook teacher!! Mom brougt a new Mash DVD to Kelsey for Christmas present. I opened a new power station Christmas present from Kelsey! Have fun!! The End!
Friday, December 08, 2006
On Monday night mom and I went to Kathy's church for Chirstmas listen music and dinner. Mom and I say hi Kathy, Melinda two friends from work. Mom and I listened the music about Chirstmas song. After listen music mom and I eat dinner. I had eat salad, lasagna, garlic bread for dinner. After eat dinner I had eat cheesecake for dessert. On Wednesday mom and I went to work. I worked on finish made papers put in envelopes. Then I worked envelopes put mail machine. On Thursday I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got dress, eat pudding for breakfast, and watched The Price Is Right show on television. After watched television mom and I went to work office. I say hi to Kathleen, Debby, Kathy. I exercised with Debby at the work! I had eat sausage, egg with cheese sandwich for lunch. After eat lunch mom and I drive for one hour to Loyola hospital from work. Mom and I wait for nurse come. Mom, nurse, and I went to exam room. The nurse gave blood pressure on my arm. When a new doctor come to my exam room and say hi to mom and I. A new doctor named is Dr. Hatch. Mom talked to dr. Hatch looked at my belly button. Dr. Hatch try different of cath in the my belly button sure work right. Dr. Hatch say no surgery on my belly button! Yay! Today is Friday I wake up, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. I little bits work on drew on Rachel's present from mom art teacher! Mom and I went to work office. I say hi to Debby, Rachel, and Kathy. I exercised with Debby for two times of a days. After exercised I played bowling game on Debby's cell phone. I little bits work on crayons put in the cup in the my cube from Karen. At 11:00 Chirstmas party at the work. I hard to game paper. I had eat salad, lasagna, bread of butter, and potato with cheese for lunch. I opened of present frog, best buy card, cup of peanut butter cookies. I opened of present from Janie. After Chirstmas party I exercised with Debby again. The End!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Two weeks ago on Thursday Thankgiving Day. Mom cooked orange potato. I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. After eat breakfast I watched television in my bedroom. At 12:00 mom and I went to Dianna and Julie's house in Wisconsin. I say hello to Julie, Dianna, and dogs. The dogs am very happy and excited about I came to Julie's house! Marion and Mike's two dogs brought to Dianna's house to hello Julie and Dianna's dogs. At the Julie and Dianna's house has five dogs! Dianna's friend named is Mary from Dianna's old work. Mary went to Dianna and Julie's house. I watched television at the Dianna and Julie's house. I little bits care of dogs. Mary, Dianna, mom, Marion, Julie, Mike, and I eat dinner. I had eat turkey, orange potato, green beans, egg salad white potato, and bread of butter for dinner. I little bits played game on Cindy cell phone. I watched Wheel of Fortune show on television. I worked on name lists on Marion's laptop with Marion teacher. Mike watched football show on television downstair. Dogs eat for dinner. After work with Marion teacher I played games on Marion's laptop. Dianna, Marion, Julie, and mom watched a movie. After played the laptop I went to bed at midnight. I say bye, good night, and Happy Thankgiving to mom! On Thursday night Debby, mom, and I went to Michelle's house and see a new baby. A new baby named is Matthew. A new baby was cute! After Michelle changed the diaper for baby gave I hold a new baby. The End!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
On Thursday night Charlie, mom, and I went to out for dinner with grandma, grandpa, and dad for Charlie and mom birthday! I had eat noodles with white sauce and garlic bread for dinner. After dinner Charlie and mom went to watched music play. I stayed home with Kathy and Katlyn. Katlyn and I played on clay. Katlyn made butterfly clays. Kathy watched CSI show on television. At 9:00 Katlyn, Kathy, and I watched ER show on television. Katlyn and I readed book in my bedroom. On Saturday I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got dress, eat cottage cheese for breakfast, and played on Cindy's palm one. Mom and I went to bowling. I played bowling game with Bret. I had eat noodles with white sauce and garlic bread for lunch. After lunch I watched television in my bedroom. On Saturday night Marion, Dianna, Julie, duckman, and Maureen came to here at my house for mom's birthday party. Julie, Marion, Maureen, Dianna, duckman, mom, and I eat salad, meat, orange potato, and rice for dinner. Mom opened the birthday gifts from Marion and Mike. Duckman and Maureen brough cake to mom. We eat cake for dessert. On Sunday mom and I went to church. Mom and I stayed at the church for Thanksgiving party. On Sunday night mom and I went to Carol and Dan Sullivan's house for bible study. Katy and I watched movie. After movie eat dinner. After dinner I had eat cheesecake for dessert. On Monday I wake up, eat pudding for breakfast, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, and got dress. Kelsey and I little bits watched television. I work on cook dirt cake with Kelsey. Kelsey is cook teacher! At 4:00 I swing in my bedroom. The End!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
On Saturday morning I wake up, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. After eat breakfast I played game on Cindy's Palm one. Mom and I went to got two people take to bowling. I played bowling game with Bret. Bret's mom and my mom went to shop. After played bowling mom and I went to two people take to friend's house. Mom and I went to find foods from Tommy's resturant take to home. I had eat chicken finger, and three cheese sticks for lunch. After eat lunch I watched on television in the my bedroom. On Sunday I wake up, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. On Sunday mom and I went to church. I went to Sunday School with Kim teacher! After Sunday School I went to church with mom. After church mom and I went back to here at the my house. I had eat sausage and egg scramble with cheese sandwich for lunch. After eat lunch I watched on television in the my bedroom. Mom went to food store. I had eat hot dog corn and two cheese sticks for dinner. Mom went to bible class Sunday night. On Monday I wake up, eat pudding for breakfast, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, and got dress. Kelsey and I watched television. After eat lunch I swing at 2:00 to 4:50. Today is Tuesday. In the morning I wake up, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. Mom and I went to work. I say hi to all people at the work. I little bits talked to Debby. I work on papers out of files with Kathy. I say hi to other people after meeting. I had eat broccoli and cheese soup and corn bread for lunch. After eat lunch I work on papers out of files with Kathy again. I work on check put in envelopes with Debby.
Monday, October 23, 2006
On Saturday I wake up, got dress, and eat cottage cheese for breakfast. Mom and I went to ear doctor for cleaned in my ears. I looked at the fishs at the doctor office. Doctor went to cleaned in my ears. After cleaned in my ears I Jesus die for you and all people to doctor. Mom and I came back to here at my house and mom cleaned on my hear aids. After mom cleaned on my hear aids made high volum listen that now! I watched little bits on television in my bedroom. I had eat sausage and egg scramble with cheese sandwich for lunch. After eat lunch mom and I went to got two people take to bowling. I played bowling game with Bret. At 5:00 mom and I went to Halloween party at the Kim's house. I race with hold of egg. I drop nut in my mouth to pumpkins game. Kids and I looked at leaks in grass. After played game eat dinner with all my kids at the Kim's house. I had eat hot dog, and potato chip for dinner. Yesterday mom and I went to church. After church mom and I went to store and bought a new mattress pads, and air mattress for my bed. Mom and I had eat chicken finger, and cheeseballs for lunch.
Monday, October 16, 2006
On Thurday Debby, mom, and I drive for seven hours to Wisconsin on vacation. Mom, Debby, and I went to McDanold's resturant for lunch. I was played bowling game on Debby's cell phone in my van. Debby, mom, and I went to Debby's brother's house in the Wisconsin. I looked at all ground of Debby's brother's house. I watched Simpson and Wheel of Fortune show on television. Mom cooked meat and broccolic for dinner. Debby, mom, and I eat dinner. I bible study homework for Thurday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Mom, Debby, and I watched ER show on television night at 9:00. Debby, mom, and I went to bed at 10:00. On Friday morning Debby and mom wake up at 8:30. Mom and Debby drank coffee for breakfast. I wake up at 9:20. I had eat cottage cheese for breakfast. Mom, Debby, and I watched The Price Is Right show on television at 10:00. Debby and I stayed at Debby's brother's house. Mom went to food store. I watched Rugrats show on television. Mom camera picture of ducks for me. Debby and I played bowling game on Debby's cell phone. Mom cooked meat and orange potato for dinner. Debby, mom, and I eat dinner. Aftet dinner mom and Debby watched movie. I watched movie called is Charlie and Chocolate Factory on Cindy's laptop. After movie mom, Debby, and I went back to bed at 10:00 again. On Saturday morning Debby and mom wake up at 9:00. Mom, and Debby drank coffee for breakfast. I wake up at 9:30. Mom gave a sponge bath to me. Debby cooked egg scramble with cheese for breakfast. Mom, Debby, and I eat breakfast. Debby and mom readed the book. I watched Scrub show on television. At 1:00 mom, Debby, and I went to wood for walked. Mom made white snow man. Mom camera pictures of white snow man and waterfall. After mom made white snow man Debby threw white snow at the mom. Then mom threw white snow at the Debby. Mom, Debby, and I went to gift store. Mom bought a new moose. Debby, mom, and I went back to Debby's brother's house. Debby and I played bowling game on Debby's cell phone. Mom readed the book. I played game on Debby's and Cindy's cell phone. Debby cooked steak and white potato with cheese for dinner. Mom, Debby, and I eat dinner. After eat dinner Debby and mom watched a new movie. I watched movie called is Hallway DVD on Cindy's laptop. After movie I went back to bed at 10:20. On Sunday morning Debby and mom wake up at 7:10. Mom and Debby cleaned house for leave at 11:00. I wake up at 8:30. Debby cooked egg scramble with white cheese, steak, and white potato with cheese for breakfast. Mom, Debby, and I drive for four hours. Debby, mom, and I went to Taco Bell resturant for eat lunch. I had eat nachos and drank water for lunch. After eat lunch mom, Debby, and I drive for three hours. Debby and I played bowling game on Debby's cell phone in my van again. Mom, Debby, and I went back to Illinosin from Wisconsin. Debby, mom, and I went back to my house. Yay! Mom and I say good night and bye-bye to Debby! I have fun weekend! The end!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
On Friday morning I wake up, got dress, eat cottage cheese for breakfast, and watched The Price Is Right show on TV. After watched TV I played on Cindy's PalmOne. Kelsey came back to here at my house. Kelsey little bits teacher for bible study quiz to me! Kelsey and I went to Jewel store and bought cake, and juice for Jodi's birthday. After store Kelsey and I went to Kelsey's a new apt and see Jodi. At the Kelsey's apt I looked at around of apt. I talked to Jodi for first time. I sang ceiling lift song to Jodi. I feed carrots to horse at the apt. Jodi went to store and got a new camera and candy then went to pizza and got pizza to apt. Kelsey and I sang happy birthday to Jodi song. Kelsey, Jodi, and I eat pizza for dinner. After dinner Kelsey, Jodi, and I eat candy for dessert. After dessert Jodi new teacher for bible study quiz for me. I say bye and good night to Jodi. Kelsey and I went back to here at my house at 10:00. I went to bed at 10:30. On Saturday morning I wake up at 9:30, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, got dress, and eat yogurt for breakfast. At 1:00 Kelsey and I went to Kelsey's parent house. Kelsey's mom, Kelsey, and I went to Deaf Nation Expo and looked at all things. Kelsey and I bought a new baby cloth for Michelle's new baby soon. After Deaf Nation Expo Kelsey and I went back to Kelsey's parent house for dinner. Kelsey's dad can carry me upstair to bedroom. I had eat crab Rangoon, chicken, and brown rice for dinner. After dinner Kelsey and I went back to here at my house and say hi to my mom! Yay! I miss mom!! The End!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Yesterday I wake up, take bath, sang in my ceiling lift, get dress, eat cottage cheese for breakfast, and played Tetris game on Cindy's cell phone. Dad came back to here at my house and visit to mom and I. I showed all pictures of clothes on my ipod to dad. Dad say wow. After dad I had eat sausage and egg scramble with cheese sandwich for lunch. After lunch I played Tetris game on Cindy's cell phone again. After played I watched Nickelodeon Guts show on TV at 4:00. I had eat chicken and potato for dinner with Charlie and mom. Today is Sunday. I wake up, get dress, eat pudding for breakfast, and brush on my teeth. Mom and I went to church and I went to Sunday school with Kim teacher. After church mom and I went to ate lunch at the Corner Backery with David, Melissa, and Katy. I watched Nickelodeon Guts show on TV at 4:00. I had eat crab Rangoon for dinner with mom. I study bible homework.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Yesterday Debby came to my house at 7:00. Mom had went to work for big meeting. Yesterday I wake up at 9:30 and yelled at Debby. Debby say good morning to you. Debby changed dress then cath. Debby cooked egg scramble for breakfast for you. I had ate egg scramble for breakfast. I looked at Debby was nap. I was played yahtzee game while Debby was slept. Debby and I played mexico train game on table. Today is Sunday. Mom and I went to church. At the church I went to lesson school today. Kim is teacher. After church mom and I went back to home and cooked hot popper for lunch. I work on bible study homework. Tomorrow I woke up, take bath, sing in my ceiling lift, eat yogurt for breakfast, and watch TV. First I want to swing please. Then I work with Kelsey teacher at 2:00 or 3:00! After teacher I want to listen music on my ipod and play on game boy please!
Monday, September 11, 2006
On Saturday I wake up, take bath, ate cottage cheese for breakfast, and bible study. Yesterday mom and I went to church. After church mom and I went back to home and ate lunch. I had ate shell and white sauce for lunch. At 2:00 mom and I went to see Diana, Julie, Mike, Marion, and five dogs at Julie and Diana's house in the WI. Mom talked to Marion, Diana, and Julie. Mike watched football game show on television. I watched simpson show on television at 7:00. I had ate hot dog, brown bean, macaroni salad for dinner. After dinner I had ate chocolate cake for dessert. Today is Monday. I wake up, take bath, and ate yogurt for breakfast. Kelsey is teacher. I work on quiz bible book with Kelsey! I had ate peanut butter and honey crackers for lunch. After ate lunch and cath Kelsey and I work on made call on computer! I swing for one hour. At the my swing hug ceiling lift remote control and one yahtzee game! I showed mom and Marion worked on made call on computer. I call mom on computer today! Mom say wow!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Yesterday I wake up, got dress, ate bagel for breakfast, and little bits watched ER show on TV. Yesterday Kelsey and I went to ate crab rangoon for lunch in Kelsey's car and Kelsey's parent house and saw dog. I played on Playstation 2 called Pac-man game for while Kelsey's parent don't finished on packs. Kelsey's parent, Kelsey, and I went to airport place. Drop Kelsey's parent at the airport. Kelsey and I went to store called Target. After store Kelsey and I went back to my house and see my mom. Kelsey and I builded a new swing stand. But Kelsey and I don't know how a new swing stand. Today is Saturday. I wake up, take bath, and ate cottage cheese for breakfast. Dad came back to my house and visit me and mom. Dad and mom a new swing net to my bedroom and put ceiling lift. I try a new swing with ceiling lift today! Dad and mom say wow a new swing today! I am very happy and excited about a new swing!!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Today is Thursday. I wake up, saw Katlyn, got dress, and ate cottage cheese for breakfast. Kathy need to went back to work today. Katlyn, mom, and I went to Kim's house for bible class. Kim, Carol, and my mom bible class at the Kim's house. Katlyn and I watched movie called Baby's Out Day. After bible class Katlyn, mom, and I went back to home. Katlyn and I had ate peanut butter sandwiches, and watermelon for lunch. My mom had ate turkey, and cheese roll for lunch. After lunch Katlyn watched and listen I sang in my ceiling lift. Katlyn say I very cool ceiling lift! Katlyn and I draw pictures. I am very happy and excited about Katlyn came to my house and visit mom and me today!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Yesterday mom and I went to church. After church mom and I went to store for bought a new backpack for Marion's birthday and card. Yesterday night Marion, Dianna, duckman, Mike, and Duckman's friend came to my house party. Yesterday we ate cheeseburgers, corns, watermelon for dinner. After dinner we ate brownies for dessert. Mom and I gift a new backpack to Marion. We sang birthday to Marion song! Today is Monday I wake up, ate yogurt for breakfast and Kelsey say question about bible book. Kelsey show me bible podcast on computer! Kelsey and I watch movie called Princess Dairies 2. I like movie! Kelsey gave a me bath today. After bath I swing in ceiling lift. I very good swing in ceiling lift! Kelsey and I went to computer for write on my blog on computer. After computer Kelsey and I eat sandwich for lunch. I want to listen music on my ipod and play on gameboy at 4:30 later please! Thank you for comments on my blog!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
On Saturday I wake up, take bath, ate pudding, study bible, and little bits watch TV. At the 2:00 mom's sister, and I went to out for lunch and dessert for Aunt's birthday. After resturant I show sister my new ipod. Sister say ipod is that cool! On Saturday night I work on connected all music moved to ipod from computer at 7:00 to 8:30. On Sunday mom and I went to church. After church mom and I went to Club Sams store and brought hot popper, crab, chicken, cheese sticks, and pop coke. Mom and I went to home. I ate macaroni and cheese and salad for lunch. After lunch I study bible, watch TV, listen ipod and played game boy. Yesterday I ate cottage cheese for breakfast, study bible. Mom and I went to mom's work office. I show all people from work office a new ipod. I worked on mail with Kathy 9:00 to 11:30. I ate chicken nuggets and fries french for lunch. I more work on mail with Kathy again at 1:00 to 2:00. I played bowling game on Debby's cell phone with Debby at 3:00 to 4:00. I work on letter papers in envators with Kathleen at 4:15 to 5:00. Today is Tuesday. I wake up, take bath, ate yogurt for breakfast, and little bits listen on my ipod. Kelsey teach how turn off my ipod. Kelsey and I went to computer for wrote blog. Kelsey and I ate hot popper, and cheese stick for lunch. After lunch I quiz on bible. I read on book called My Time With God. First I need to look at Kelsey's ipod for some music! Then later I want to listen ipod again and play on game boy at 4:30 please! Tomorrow maybe Kelsey and I going t0 the library. It is nice outside tomorrow.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
On Friday Kelsey and I went to the out for lunch with Kelsey's mom and brother. On Friday night Kelsey show mom how got a new ipod for me on computer. Mom brought a new ipod for me on computer. On Saturday I wake up, dress, ate pudding for breakfast, and little bits played on Gameboy. On Saturday mom and I went to the out for lunch with grandma, grandpa, and dad. Dad had ate salad and drank pop for lunch. Mom had ate salad, soup, and drank pop for lunch. Grandma had ate sandwich, fries french, and drank pop for lunch. Grandpa had ate nachos and drank pop for lunch. I had ate chicken finger, fries french, cinnamon apples, and drank water for lunch. On Saturday night Kathy came back to here at my house and bought cholcolate pie to here. Kathy, mom, and I ate chicken, rice, and vegetable for dinner. Kathy, mom, and I played train game for 7:30 - 9:00. After played game Kathy, mom, and I ate cholcolate pie for dessert. Today is Sunday. I wake up, take bath, dress, and ate pudding. Mom and I can't went to the church today. Mom and I hit key on tire. Mom called truck man came to find mom and I van to gas station. Mom and I was scared when man put van went up to truck. Man fixed on van's tire.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Yesterday I wake up, take bath, sang in ceiling lift, eat yogurt for breakfast, and quiz on bible book. Yesterday Kelsey said no ipod for wrong answer bible book. Then Kelsey and I went to computer. After computer Kelsey and I eat little pizza and Herbal Jumbo Shrimp for lunch. After eat lunch Kelsey and I watched ER on DVD. At the night Kathy, Katlin, and Kristine came back to my house and visit me brought cup of ice creams from Wendy. Kathy, Kristine, Katlin, and I eat cup of ice creams. I played bowling game on Kristine's cell phone for 1 hour. Katlin and I went to computer and played Pet Vet game on computer. Today is Wednesday in the morning I wake up, got dress, and eat yogurt for breakfast. I don't need to bath today.
Monday, July 17, 2006
On Saturday in the morning I woke up, take bath, ate cottage cheese for breakfast, and played on Game boy. Mom and I went to the bowling. I played bowling with Bret. Mom went to the Wal-mart store and bought a new ER five season on DVD, and yellow calculator for surprised me. After bowling I surprised a new yellow calculator and ER DVD. Mom and I went to the cloth store for wedding party on Sunday in the Wisconsin. After cloth store mom and I went to the stop by Wendy and got my lunch and went back to home. I had ate chicken nuggles and fries french for lunch. After lunch I opened the ER DVD. I little bits watch TV. On Sunday mom and I went to the church. After church mom and I went to the book store and bought a new book for mom work. I bought a new two books. One book called is Ice Age 2 meltdown and one book called is Over the Hedge. Mom and I went back to home and ate lunch. After I readed a new two books I watched movie called is ER on DVD.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
In the morning I woke up, take bath, ate yogurt for breakfast, and I showed cell phone to Kelsey. Kelsey wrote text message to me on cell phone. I roll and crawl on floor for exercise today! After I exercise on floor Kelsey and I ate pizza for lunch today. Kelsey and I went back to computer and I showed Kelsey ipod case on computer. I want to listen music on Kelsey's ipod and play on Gameboy. Tomorrow Keelsey and I cooking recipe. Here are some pictures Kelsey and I took.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Yesterday night Kathy's daughters, Katlin and Kristen came to my house. Kathy, Debby, and mom went to movie night. Kristen and Katlin bought cheesecake, pizza, and bag of crafts to my house for dinner. First Kristen and I saw my ceiling lift in my bedroom and bathroom. Then we watched Wheel of Fortune show on TV. We ate pizza for dinner. After ate dinner we made sticks on a new yellow hat, and queen frog pot. We ate cheesecake for dessert at 8:30. I take my medicine at 9:00. I readed on teen people book. I saw picture of ipod from teen people book. Katlin and I played on Gameboy. Kristen readed teen people book. I played bowling game on Daughter's cell phone. When Kathy and mom came back to my house at 12:00. I say good-bye to Kristen, Katlin, and Kathy. I am very happy and excited about yesterday night! I have fun with Katlin and Kristen! The End!
Monday, July 03, 2006
On Saturday mom and I went to the Bowling with Bret at 1:00. Charlie, mom, and I ate all over dirt cake out of my sand bucket. Charlie, mom, and I love dirt cake! Yesterday mom and I went to the church. After church mom and I went to the visit Diane and Julie's house in Wisconsin. Mom and I say hi to Diane and Julie's dogs. Diane and Julie have three dogs at house. Diane, Julie, mom, and I ate meat and broccolic for dinner. After dinner we watched food show on TV. At night mom and I slept over at the Diane, and Julie's house. In the morning Julie need to went to the work at the hospital. In the morning mom and I wake up at 9:00. Mom cooked egg scrambled, and bacon for breakfast. After ate breakfast mom and I watched The Price Is Right show on TV at 10:00. Diane, mom, and I went to the fish meat store. After store Diane, mom, and I went to eat out for lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. I have fun at Diane and Julie's house!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yesterday Kelsey and I cooked dirt cake! I crunched cookies with a hammer. I put butter, softer cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla in big bowl. Kelsey mixed the ingrediants. Then I put again four puddings, and milk in bowl. Kelsey mixed the ingrediants again. Kelsey and I put all of whipped topping in bowl. Kelsey and I crunched cookies again with a hammer. Kelsey took all cookies out of bag and put in bowl. Kelsey and I put in purple and yellow sand buckets. I put worms and bugs in cake! Yesterday Kelsey and I can't eat dirt cake no time. Kelsey and I can eat dirt cake today!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
I wake up, take bath, eat pudding for breakfast, watch TV, and eat hamburger for lunch. Then mom and I went to bowling with Bret today. The Bowling start 1:00 time today. Tomorrow mom and I going to the church. After church mom and I going to the party at Barb's house. Erica's birthday and say good-bye to Becky and baby. Becky and Joe will live in China. Baby's dad is work is in China. Maybe Becky and I need to exercise before say good-bye to Becky and Joe at the Barb's house please! Have fun day tomorrow!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Today is Saturday. I woke up, get dress, eat cheese cottage for breakfast, and read the library books. Then I worked on lots of rewinding Katy's tapes. After rewinding tapes I watched TV in my bedroom. I little bits played space war game on mom's cell phone. I eat macaroni and cheese for dinner. Then I went to computer. I going to the bed time. Tomorrow I woke up, get dress, and ate egg for breakfast. Tomorrow dad is come back to my house at 9:30 in the morning. I will talk to dad maybe Charlie too. After dad mom and I going to the church.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Maybe Kelsey and I going to the Target store again. Kelsey buy gift for her friend's baby. Kelsey and I eat turkey sandwich for lunch. After lunch Kelsey and I going to the library. I work on rewinding tapes at the library today! I love rewinding tapes! Maybe few weeks or on Friday Kelsey and I making bird house. I don't see Kelsey for two weeks. Because Kelsey going to the England. Mom and I going to the Wisconsin for fun. On Friday Kelsey and I going to the clothes store. I am very happy and excited! Kelsey teach how work on computer Alt+Tab on keyboard today!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
I woke up, take bath, eat yogurt for breakfast, refill medicines put in box, and computer. Kelsey and I going to store, stop at library and find my pictures. On Saturday mom went to store and bought two balloons, and food for wedding party. On Sunday mom and I stayed home. Mom need to clean and cook for Katie's wedding party. Yesterday mom and I went to meeting all day. I brought Gameboy, work book, and Star War on mom's cell phone. Later I want to listen music on Kelsey's ipod and play Ice Age 2 meltdown on Gameboy!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Today ceiling lift is not working right. I was very disappointed about ceiling lift being broken. We will ask mom about fixing it night. Kelsey gave me a sponges bath in my wheelchair today! Kelsey and I going to Craft store. Later I want to listen music on your ipod and play Ice Age 2 meltdown game! Tomorrow maybe mom and I going to visit grandma and grandpa's house. I want to see dad!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Yesterday I woke up, take bath, and ate yogurt for breakfast. After breakfast I played little bits called Ice Age 2 melt down game on Gameboy. I had ate hot dog corn for lunch. Kelsey had ate cheese and crackers for lunch. We watched movie called Notting Hill movie. After movie I long time in my swing. I swung and I listen music on Kelsey's ipod and played yahtzee game! I was very happy and excited about swinging! Mom and I going to the Wisconsin for vacation. I am very happy and excited about vacation! Yesterday Kelsey and I memorized Psalm: 34:8 Taste and see that Lord is good. Last week Kelsey and I memorized 1 thessalonians 5:16-17 Be happy always and never stop praying. First verse Kelsey and I memorized was numbers 11:1 When people complain the Lord not happy. Tomorrow mom and I going to the work. I will say hi to Michelle, Debby, and new person called Kathy at the work. Tomorrow maybe I work with Kathy at the office. At afternoon I want to listen music on Kelsey's ipod and play game called Ice Age 2 meltdown!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
I am very happy and excited about a new two game on my Gameboy today! After church we went to Best Buy store and bought two a new games. I have one game called is Shrek SuperSlam game and one game called is Ice Age 2: The Melt down game! After store we went back to home and eat lunch. Tomorrow I woke up, take bath, and ate breakfast. I want to play a new games please!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I woke up, take bath, sang lift song, and ate pudding for breakfast. Kelsey and I going to the computer. We going to the library. I will work on rewind tapes at the library today! Yesterday Kelsey and I went to computer for funny video on computer! We watched movie called is The Muppet Movie. After movie Kelsey and I ate sandwich from Jimmy John for lunch. The weather is thunder and rain yesterday. Then we did a bible study we found on computer. Then I listen music on your ipod. Tomorrow mom and I going to the work. I will see Debby at the work tomorrow. After work Debby, mom, and I going to the eat lunch.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Kelsey and I very disappointed about the ipod is broken today. Bummer! Kelsey and I went to bead store and looked at beads. I bought new yellow, red and white beads and a crystal flower bead. I made a bracelet. When we find the camera, I take picture of bracelet and show you. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I love comments!
Monday, May 22, 2006
On Sunday mom and I went to church. After church we went to flower store. I brought new red, yellow and blue flowers. We went to home and put flowers in pots outside. I watched on TV in my bedroom. Today is Monday I woke up and take bath. Kelsey and I went to computer. After computer we bead, eat lunch, bible study, maybe we can watch a movie, and I want to listen music on your ipod and play game on your phone please! On Wednesday maybe we going to eat lunch with your mom.
This is a summary of Charlie and Chocolate Factory that I wrote long ago.
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Little boy name is Charlie. Charlie’s friend’s name is Willy Wonka. Charlie’s grandpa is old 96 years old! Charlie walked to Wonka store and got candy bar. Charlie’s grandma gave candy bar to him. And Charlie opened candy bar paper and had no gold ticket! When Charlie got gold ticket then will win! Grandpa and Charlie went to the chocolate factory. When Willy Wonka is come to the see many people in the gate. All people and Willy Wonka walked to the chocolate factory. Willy Wonka say people take off her coats! Then we walked and see at all over the chocolate factory. Little boy drank and fell in the chocolate lake. The little boy was stuck in the pipe tube with chocolate. Boy’s dad was very scared and worried about little boy. We was rode red boat on the chocolate lake. We walked on roof. Little girl had many gums. Little girl’s body is very big fat and became blue all over girl’s body. Then we walked to the squirrel’s room. The girl walked down and touch the squirrels and went to down the hole floor. After squirrel’s room we walked to the television room. We need to wear glasses for big camera.
I love that movie because it is happy. I give movie five stars!
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
Little boy name is Charlie. Charlie’s friend’s name is Willy Wonka. Charlie’s grandpa is old 96 years old! Charlie walked to Wonka store and got candy bar. Charlie’s grandma gave candy bar to him. And Charlie opened candy bar paper and had no gold ticket! When Charlie got gold ticket then will win! Grandpa and Charlie went to the chocolate factory. When Willy Wonka is come to the see many people in the gate. All people and Willy Wonka walked to the chocolate factory. Willy Wonka say people take off her coats! Then we walked and see at all over the chocolate factory. Little boy drank and fell in the chocolate lake. The little boy was stuck in the pipe tube with chocolate. Boy’s dad was very scared and worried about little boy. We was rode red boat on the chocolate lake. We walked on roof. Little girl had many gums. Little girl’s body is very big fat and became blue all over girl’s body. Then we walked to the squirrel’s room. The girl walked down and touch the squirrels and went to down the hole floor. After squirrel’s room we walked to the television room. We need to wear glasses for big camera.
I love that movie because it is happy. I give movie five stars!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
I am very happy and excited about my pictures put on my blog today! In the morning I bath, sang lift song, and ate yogurt for breakfast. Then Kelsey and I went to the computer. We took pictures off camera and put on my blog. We watch movie called Mary Poppins. Yes, I like that movie. Kelsey painted on my nails. Then we came back to computer. After computer I want to listen music on your ipod and play game on your cell phone please! Wow! Are you very smart? Haha I don't know about very smart.... you are too nice to me. What are you going to do this weekend? On Saturday mom need to going to the work. Kelsey will come back to here and see me. In the morning I take bath, eat breakfast. We going to see movie theater. We watch movie called Ice Age 2. Are you excited to see the movie? Yes! I'm excited too. You rock Stef!!!!
I am very happy and excited about my pictures put on my blog today! In the morning I bath, sang lift song, and ate yogurt for breakfast. Then Kelsey and I went to the computer. We took pictures off camera and put on my blog. We watch movie called Mary Poppins. Yes, I like that movie. Kelsey painted on my nails. Then we came back to computer. After computer I want to listen music on your ipod and play game on your cell phone please! Wow! Are you very smart? Haha I don't know about very smart.... you are too nice to me. What are you going to do this weekend? On Saturday mom need to going to the work. Kelsey will come back to here and see me. In the morning I take bath, eat breakfast. We going to see movie theater. We watch movie called Ice Age 2. Are you excited to see the movie? Yes! I'm excited too. You rock Stef!!!!
This is a story I wrote a few months ago.
The Lift Track
Two men came to my house to put lift tracks in the my bedroom and bathroom. Two men brought tools and floor pads for floor and bath tub thing to get ready to work! Man named Steve worked on lift track in the bathroom from 9:00 - 12:00. Steve worked on lift track in the my bedroom from 1:00 - 4:25. Steve drilled the walls and cleaned five lift tracks in bathroom. Then Steve put three lift tracks in the bathroom. Jim helped Steve push the lift track. At 12:00 the two men stopped work then went out for lunch! After lunch Steve and Jim came back here then back to work again! The two men worked on lift track in the my bedroom! Steve drilled the wall and cleaned the four lift tracks in my bedroom. Then Steve put one lift track in my the bedroom. The men are not done with lift track. But Steve don’t finish with lift track in my the bedroom! Steve teach Marion, mom, and I how to work the lift right. Marion, mom, and I watch Steve the strong man move the lift. Mom was took picture of man lift. My turn and I was ready to try the lift. I sang lift song when Marion and mom move me in the bathroom. I was very good with the lift! I am very happy and excited about having a lift here! The End!
The Lift Track
Two men came to my house to put lift tracks in the my bedroom and bathroom. Two men brought tools and floor pads for floor and bath tub thing to get ready to work! Man named Steve worked on lift track in the bathroom from 9:00 - 12:00. Steve worked on lift track in the my bedroom from 1:00 - 4:25. Steve drilled the walls and cleaned five lift tracks in bathroom. Then Steve put three lift tracks in the bathroom. Jim helped Steve push the lift track. At 12:00 the two men stopped work then went out for lunch! After lunch Steve and Jim came back here then back to work again! The two men worked on lift track in the my bedroom! Steve drilled the wall and cleaned the four lift tracks in my bedroom. Then Steve put one lift track in my the bedroom. The men are not done with lift track. But Steve don’t finish with lift track in my the bedroom! Steve teach Marion, mom, and I how to work the lift right. Marion, mom, and I watch Steve the strong man move the lift. Mom was took picture of man lift. My turn and I was ready to try the lift. I sang lift song when Marion and mom move me in the bathroom. I was very good with the lift! I am very happy and excited about having a lift here! The End!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I am very happy and excited see Kelsey today! Kelsey gave you a bath in the morning today! After bath I sang lift song today! Kelsey and I ate Egg McMuffin for breakfast. I listen the music on ipod and played game on her phone. Kelsey and I ate pizza for lunch. Then Kelsey and I watched Monster Inc movie. I listen music again on ipod and drawed picture of ipod and me today! I love very much ipod!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
I am very happy see Kelsey today! Later Kelsey and I buy gift to mom for Mother's Day. Tomorrow I see Marion. Marion and I buy gift to Kelsey for her birthday tomorrow. Tomorrow night mom and I going to the church for my dance with Katy. On Saturday I going to the Bowling with Bret. On Saturday maybe mom and I going to the movie. On Sunday I will give gift to mom. On Sunday mom and I going to the church. On Sunday maybe mom and I going to the see grandma and grandpa. Grandma and grandpa talk to mom and I about new van.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
Hi Marion
How are you today?
I am good. How about you?
I am very happy and excited about having a Blog on computer!
It is very cool. I am happy that Kelsey showed you how to set up your own blog page.
I love that blog page!!
What else have you and Kelsey been doing?
Last week on Friday Kelsey and I called dial-a-ride. Kelsey and I went to city hall to get new tickets for dial-a-ride.
That's great! Did you go anywhere else?
Last week on Friday Kelsey and I went to the library and worked on rewinding 16 tapes.
Did you get any books or movies while you were there?
I have one video and one book.
What ones did you get?
I have one movie named Old Yeller and one book about hearts. Wow!
How are you today?
I am good. How about you?
I am very happy and excited about having a Blog on computer!
It is very cool. I am happy that Kelsey showed you how to set up your own blog page.
I love that blog page!!
What else have you and Kelsey been doing?
Last week on Friday Kelsey and I called dial-a-ride. Kelsey and I went to city hall to get new tickets for dial-a-ride.
That's great! Did you go anywhere else?
Last week on Friday Kelsey and I went to the library and worked on rewinding 16 tapes.
Did you get any books or movies while you were there?
I have one video and one book.
What ones did you get?
I have one movie named Old Yeller and one book about hearts. Wow!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
I am very happy and excited about blog today! I love yellow color. Sometime I play Star war on my mom's cell phone. I play on Game Boy and Sudoku game hand held! Kelsey and I will read and pray bible, watch baby story on TV at 12:30 to 2:00, swing, watch not done movie, and maybe play on Game Boy if time. I love play on computer! I love ceiling lift! I love sing ceiling lift song! I love mom, Charlie, Kelsey, Marion, Mike, Rachel, Linda PT, Mary OT, Michelle, Michele, Kim, Tim, God, grandma, grandpa, dad, and Sue! I love you!
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